Edilio Gallardo Apps

7 Habits of Highly Effective 1.0.1
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is aremarkable book that changed my live. This app is tribute toStephen R. Covey who contributed to change lives by applying theprinciples described on the book.With this app you have a summary of the seven habits near you,at your finger tips, in your phone or your tablet. We hope it canhelp you to succeed in live according to your principles andgoals.IndependenceThe First Three Habits surround moving from dependence toindependence1 - Be ProactiveTake initiative in life by realizing that your decisions (and howthey align with life's principles) are the primary determiningfactor for effectiveness in your life. Take responsibility for yourchoices and the consequences that follow.2 - Begin with the End in MindSelf-discover and clarify your deeply important character valuesand life goals. Envision the ideal characteristics for each of yourvarious roles and relationships in life.3 - Put First Things FirstA manager must manage his own person. Personally. And managersshould implement activities that aim to reach the second habit.Covey says that rule two is the mental creation; rule three is thephysical creation.InterdependenceThe next three habits talk about Interdependence4 - Think Win-WinGenuine feelings for mutually beneficial solutions or agreements inyour relationships. Value and respect people by understanding a"win" for all is ultimately a better long-term resolution than ifonly one person in the situation had gotten his way.5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to be UnderstoodUse empathic listening to be genuinely influenced by a person,which compels them to reciprocate the listening and take an openmind to being influenced by you. This creates an atmosphere ofcaring, and positive problem solving.6 - SynergizeCombine the strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as toachieve goals that no one could have done alone.Continuous ImprovementsThe final habit is that of continuous improvement in both thepersonal and interpersonal spheres of influence.7 - Sharpen the SawBalance and renew your resources, energy, and health to create asustainable, long-term, effective lifestyle. It primarilyemphasizes exercise for physical renewal, prayer (meditation, yoga,etc.) and good reading for mental renewal. It also mentions serviceto society for spiritual renewal.
HUD Tenant 1.0.03
Edilio Gallardo
HUD Tenant can help you calculate your tenantrent if you are a HUD Tenant or an applicant. It is useful forpeople in Low Rent or Section 8 Housing programs. If you are atenant already you can use it before or after you go to the housingauthority to get another contract/lease. If you are an applicantyou would know the rent once you get admitted into the programs.Our main goal is give to a tenant or to an applicant the abilityof having on his/her hands the program so they can review as muchas they need.The app can run offline so you don't need to be connected tointernet in order to use it.The idea is not to ask all the tedious questions a HousingAuthority would do in order to be precise but only a few questionseven though we might get slightly different results. Most of thetimes, our calculations would be enough for realizing if you wouldbe accepted, based on your income, to be part of the low rent orsection 8 programs.We are also providing all Housing Authority contact informationpublicly available in HUD Website so you can call, email or browsetheir information if available.Additionally, we included the Fair Market Rent for 2014 so youcan know the rent that HUD thinks is fair by state and county. Itwill be useful if you want to move to another county.
The Richest Man in Babylon 1.0.01
Edilio Gallardo
The Richest Man in Babylon app is a summary ofthe teachings inside the extraordinary book by George S. Clason,the book which dispenses financial advice through a collection ofparables set in ancient Babylon.Through their experiences in business and managing householdfinance, the characters in the parables learn simple lessons infinancial wisdom. The app includes the 7 rules for fattening yourwallet and the 5 rules of gold. So you will always have at yourfinger tips this important rules from becoming a richer personeveryday.The tool will also provide you the ability to simulate how youcould accumulate 1 Million dollars if you use the rules the bookdescribe, for example, it will allow you to know how many yearswould take you to become millionaire based on you income, yourmonthly saving and the interest. Playing with the tool you willdiscover that it is more important the ability of investing yourmoney than how much are you saving monthly.
Amway Utils 2
Amway Utils is a tool for betterunderstandinghow you can get benefit from associating with AmwayCorp. It willgive you several simulators to understand howdiscounts can workfor you, how the store partnership can benefityou. It will alsosimulate how much money you will get from sellingan specificproduct and how many people you will need to find andtrain in yourorganization to be at 25%, to be an Emerald and to bea Diamond. Itwill also give a calculation so you can be sure thatif youpersist(one a year table) on this business is very likelythat youwill succeed and you will be financial independent,something thatalmost no other business can assure for many people.Event though the number are based in US market it willhelppeople from other parts of the world because they need legsinUSA.